Enterprise Membership (For businesses over 21 employees)
1 year membership
For businesses over 21 employees
Make business contacts
Acquire customer referrals
Increase your visibility in the community
Networking opportunities
Membership perks
Further resources for directories, facilities, grants etc.
Membership perks:
Joint Advertising options
Mailing list
Social Media assistance and promotion
Directory Listing
Electronic Billboard Marketing
Other marketing assistance: Blogs, Vlogs, Podcasts etc.
Additionally, the Chamber can act as a: representative to enhance communication with the community, an overseer to keep you alert to any new potential laws and regulations or grants, goodwill ambassador to promote the businesses to residents but also to surrounding communities and regions in an effort to increase tourism in Hillsboro.
If you wish to pay your membership using check, please download and complete this form.
1 year membership
For businesses over 21 employees
Make business contacts
Acquire customer referrals
Increase your visibility in the community
Networking opportunities
Membership perks
Further resources for directories, facilities, grants etc.
Membership perks:
Joint Advertising options
Mailing list
Social Media assistance and promotion
Directory Listing
Electronic Billboard Marketing
Other marketing assistance: Blogs, Vlogs, Podcasts etc.
Additionally, the Chamber can act as a: representative to enhance communication with the community, an overseer to keep you alert to any new potential laws and regulations or grants, goodwill ambassador to promote the businesses to residents but also to surrounding communities and regions in an effort to increase tourism in Hillsboro.
If you wish to pay your membership using check, please download and complete this form.
1 year membership
For businesses over 21 employees
Make business contacts
Acquire customer referrals
Increase your visibility in the community
Networking opportunities
Membership perks
Further resources for directories, facilities, grants etc.
Membership perks:
Joint Advertising options
Mailing list
Social Media assistance and promotion
Directory Listing
Electronic Billboard Marketing
Other marketing assistance: Blogs, Vlogs, Podcasts etc.
Additionally, the Chamber can act as a: representative to enhance communication with the community, an overseer to keep you alert to any new potential laws and regulations or grants, goodwill ambassador to promote the businesses to residents but also to surrounding communities and regions in an effort to increase tourism in Hillsboro.
If you wish to pay your membership using check, please download and complete this form.